genin are the lowest level of shinobi . one may be a genin only if he passes the academy tests. and are given a head with the respective villages symbol embedded on it. the head band is a symbol of a shinobi. genin are then divided into group of three according to individual genins skill and ability to keep a balance in the group. genin are divided into teams with a jounin to teach them teamwork , have experience as an shinobi in outer world. genin are assigned a jounin to guide and assist them. a genin can be sent back to the academy if he fails to pass the test after being a genin. like the test of taking two bells from their mentor , a jounin . a jounin decides if one is good enough to be a genin or not. if not genin have to begin al lover from the academy. usually genin are sent to d rank mission that are the lowest level of mission that totally risk free like labour, delivery to gain experience. they help to increase the villages economy and are paid too for it . experienced genin are given c rank mission that include like escoting of people , goods to places and protection against robbers. it has low risk but show the light of the real shinobi world. most of the mission of the genin are backed by a senior jounin. when their mentor , jounin fells that they have enough experience and ability to be a
chunin , they can suggest their name for
chunin exams . but to appear in the
chunin exam , they must be in a team of three genin, else they cant participate in it.
chunin exam are conducted every six months , and if one cant be a
chunin in first try then he can try for the exams every six months until he becomes a
chunin. hatake kakashi became a
chunin at a age of six.
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