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Thursday, July 15, 2010


chunin is the level of shinobi attained after completing the chunin exam, if one passes the chunin exam. chunin the next level of the genin . chunin are the shinobi whose tasks are to look after and guide other other lower ranked shinobi. like shikamaru nara who was the only chunin who passed the exam. after that he was even made the squad leader of team of naruto , negi, chozi, .... to reskue saskue. being chunin means that one has reached the level of leadership and tactical ability to guide a team and use the team mate to their full ability . chunin exam are performed to select the random few who have the ability that a chunin requires and are given b- rank and c- rank missions. they play a major role in the economy of the village. later a chunin may be ranked to jounin according to the ability of the shinobi or the requirement of the village.


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